Diamond Education
The 4 C'sDiamond Anatomy & Cut Quality
Gold King holds in total 3 certificates.
1. HRD Certificate for Polished Diamonds
2. IGI certificate for Rough Diamonds
3. IGI certificate for Coloured Gems
We combine all of our experience and knowledge on each jewel we create.
Gold King spends hours on choosing the right diamonds for each jewel.
Below we have made a nice overview, specially made for people who don’t have any knowledge with diamonds.
Understanding the 4 C’s of
Diamonds Shopping
Each of the 4 C’s (Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat) play a role in a diamond’s beauty, though it is difficult to solve one component by itself. As a complete whole, the 4 C’s interact with one another within each diamond. As a general rule, we suggest a high quality Cut above all else—as this greatly impacts a diamond’s beauty and brilliance—while balancing a fine line on Color and Clarity to get the best bang for your buck. With the right Cut, both a 0.80 Carat K color VS1 and a 1.25 Carat D Color SI2 can be stunning.
First, we will begin with the clarity. Clarity does have a big effect on the diamond brilliance, shine and price. here you have a list from IF to I3 (Cleanest to most Dirt clarity). It is important to know what inclusions the diamond has, is it on the table? Is it visible? Is it a black or white inclusion? all of them does effect the price and shine of the diamond. To see the full description & clarity names, please open the window “Diamond Clarity Description”
Diamond Clarity Descriptions
- IF (Internally Flawless)- The most perfect diamond there is, you will not see any inclusions. Even with a microscope!
- VVS1 (Very, Very Slightly Included 1) – You will find with the micropscope a tiny inclusion (Pin point)
- VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included 2)- You will find with the microscope several tiny inclusions (Pin point)
- VS1 (Very Slightly Included 1)- You will hardly find an inclusion with a loupe.
- VS2 (Very Slightly Included 2)- You will find an inclusion with a loupe after searching a bit.
- SI1 (Slightly Included 1)- you will see an inclusion pretty fast with a loop
- SI2 (Slightly Included 2)- As soon as you view the diamond with a loop, you will see an inclusion
- I1 (Inclusions 1)- You see an inclusion with your bare eye
- I2 and I3- Diamonds which we never use on diamonds.
Second, we go to the cut or shape of the diamond. you have many different shapes, but here are the most common ones.
Third is the color of the diamond. The higher the color grade, the wither it is. The lower the color grade, the more yellowish the stone will be. It has a huge effect on the brilliance and price.
Diamond Color Descriptions
D-E-F, Colorless
G-H-I-J, Near Colorless
K-L-M, Gaint Color
Carat (Size)
The Carat or size of the diamond is the one that affect your price. If you choose a diamond of 0.95 Carat, it can cost you for example 4000 USD, and if you choose 1.00 Carat, it can start from 6000 USD. So keep in mind, the bigger the diamond, the more you will spend.